Circling the Globe to Navigate the Future

Global Community

Our Business Units

Circling the Globe to Navigate the Future

Dynamic Environment

Our Business Units

Circling the Globe to Navigate the Future

Real-world Solutions

Our Business Units

About Us

What makes us unique?

We are a SaaS company that develops business pods to support communities, linking the commercial world with the family and its community environment, helping them navigate their day‑to‑day challenges. We also help individuals and organizations promote themselves.

With over 4 years of extensive research on the impact of social media within the common household or organization, we have developed a framework where we can eliminate all the irrelevant information, and help individuals, families, communities, and organizations with:

Dynamic Environment

Self-promotion of talents via our career function to professionals
Support within a secure educational, professional environment
Professional development via our online coaching function

Real‑world Solutions

Easy communication via calendar linking
Administrative solutions
Keeping track of inventory
Fundraising via our Sponsorship model
Access to targeted promotions by vendors via our online shop

Global Community

Making Global connections
Connecting families across the Globe
Connecting Grassroots with the Professional world
Easy community involvement and support for organizations and institutes

We have developed a unique patented SaaS platform that can work as an inclusive super app where you can access all the business unit apps from each pod or you can access each business unit and use them individually. Only consuming content, information, products, and services that you have an interest in, and reaching your community you love faster and smarter making your time relevant.

Why Us

Dynamic Community Focused

Although there are numerous social media, support, or management applications out there, none of them have a community focus, which looks at the real-world issues faced by individuals, families, and organizations daily. Which can inform, promote, educate, communicate, and offer financial benefits.

The dynamic nature of Global Cirqls Domains means it can change direction and adapt to a specific community need at a rapid pace. We are not a static environment that is inflexible to change. We adapt to geographical changes that are unpredictable, Global health events, resource skill shortages, difficulty in skills development, and ever-changing commercial market conditions, Communities want accurate information and real-world solutions to support them for the best outcomes for the next generation.

With our dynamic approach to social media and support applications, we created solutions that are customizable to each individual, group, organization, town, city, state, province, country, region, or continent, taking their unique circumstances into account and enabling them to make decisions based on local experiences, information, products, suppliers, and services. Where people feel they are part of a community where they can help, share their experiences and expertise, coach, Mentor, guide people, and be part of a global community.

Business Units

Adaptability and Scalability

Our business units (apps) fall under one of 5 main pods that focus on certain aspects of community needs and challenges. These pods can be expanded and adapted to each country’s governmental policies and regulations, not just a 1 size fits all. Each business unit (app) can operate independently, and each user can add a business unit (app) to their preferred business unit, or they can use the GlobalCirqls Domains app to access them all.

With our unique framework/back-end software we can adopt existing business units (apps) or create new business units with a very short turnaround time. Which in turn has very little effect on the bigger ecosystem when testing and implementing new software features. Being a dynamic environment, new features and services can be added or adopted for specific market conditions in different geographic regions to create workable solutions with communities globally where they have different day-to-day challenges depending on where they are located.

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